We painstakingly create replicas of nature for national brands such as Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers and others. FishReplicas.com offers the highest quality in fish replicas on the market today.
By combining 40 years of molding experience and today's technology, The Pierce Brothers and crew are able to create the most life-like fish replicas money can buy.
From Brazil to Alaska, the Pierce Brothers travel the world, casting molds to provide you - our Customer - the highest quality of fish reproductions available.
"I got my fish mount yesterday and I am blown away by how beautiful it came out. Thank you for the wonderful trophy."
Thomas J Comeau
Lynn, MA

"WOW is all I can say!!! The replica is nothing short of phenomenal. The choice to have the water scene was definitely the right decision! Thank you guys for being easy to work with and delivering a world class work of art. You will most definitely have a repeat customer."
Michael Patterson
Tulsa, Oklahoma